We join @ahcancal and long term care providers around the country to support the effort to #GetVaccinated for the safety of our residents, staff and communities.
We have implemented stringent infection prevention and control policies and procedures, as this is key to preventing the spread of the Coronavirus within GraceMore Nursing & Rehab. Our facility has a trained Infection Preventionist who is tracking symptoms, reporting all required information, and making sure our facility is following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The following is a list of additional measures we are continuing to take:
Due to government privacy requirements, we cannot divulge specific information about the individuals who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19, unless they are your family member and you have the necessary permissions to receive such information.
We need your help in battling COVID-19. Please visit the CDC website www.cdc.gov/coronavirus to learn how you can help prevent the spread in our community, since continued spread in the larger community increases the chance the virus will work its way into our facility.
This is a difficult time for everyone. We will continue to provide you with updates. Please know that we are adhering to guidelines from the local and state health departments, which continue to evolve as we learn more about this virus.
Total Confirmed Resident Cases: 30
(cumulative data since 5/8/2020)
Recovered Resident Cases: 25
Current Total Resident Cases: 0
(as of 03/08/2021)
Total Confirmed Employee Cases: 19
(cumulative data since 5/8/2020)
Recovered Employee Cases: 19
Current Total Employee Cases: 0
(as of 03/08/2021)
To view a list of current long term care facilities with positive COVID-19 cases provided by the Department of Community Health (DCH), click below.
Please note this report only lists facilities with positive cases and is updated Monday - Friday by 7:30pm.
Technology provides a realm of methods for communicating with your loved one outside the facility. FaceTime, Skype, phone calls, and window visits are just a few ideas for keeping in touch with your loved one during this difficult time.
Monday - Friday: Please contact our Activities Director, COURTNEY PEREZ, to setup a time for virtual communication with your loved one and for other special requests during this time - Courtney Perez- (912) 265-6771 or cperez@cmm-gracemore.com
Saturday & Sunday: Please contact our facility, and one of the charge nurses will be happy to assist you in communicating with your loved one - (912) 265-6771.
GraceMore Nursing & Rehab
2708 Lee Street, Brunswick, Georgia 31520, United States